NBT Science

The science underlying Neurobehavioral Therapy is based on the understanding that mental disorders such as anxiety, attention deficit, depression, and other behavioral, cognitive, and emotional dis-regulations are associated with specific patterns of brain activity and connectivity. These patterns can be modified through training.
Thus, Neurobehavioral Therapy uses techniques from various CNS-based approaches, such as Neuro-Motor Training (NMT), Neuro-Cogntitive Training (NCT), Neuro-Emotional Training (NET), Neuro/Bio-feedback and other techniques that help individuals develop new neural connections to improve their nervous system functioning functioning and psychological well being.
NBT Underlying Theories and Concepts

Novelty and Learning
(Cerebellum, Association Cortexes, Dopaminergic Reward System/Release of Dopamine)
Learning Through Observation and Mirroring
(Mirror Neurons, Cortical and Subcortical areas)
Zones of Proximal Development” (ZPD) and Scaffolding
(Frontal Lobes, Other Cortical Areas)
(Memory and Motor Circuits, Frontal/Pre-frontal Areas, Hippocampus, etc.)
Reward and Reinforcement
(Dopaminergic Reward System, Substantia Nigra, Ventral Tegmental Area/VTA